Suits: Sartoria Dalcuore, Shirt: Sartoriale, Tie: F. Marino Napoli, Glasses: TBD Eyewear
Don’t call him #fashionblogger. Fabio Attanasio, the founder of The Bespoke Dudes, the platform dedicated to tailoring and quality craftsmanship, has become the reference point for 2.0. gentlemen. In 2015, he also launched an eyewear project, hand-made by skilled Italian craftsmen. His great passion for tailoring and the hand-made has turned him into the ideal ambassador for illustrious brands, contributing to spread their elegance and grow their success.
What is your own definition of influencer/blogger/ambassador?
A new form of media, legitimated by the readers/users of the web. They also represent an evolution of the journalist, the classic editor, and, in some cases, of the model and the writer.
How do you envision the evolution of the world of social media and of your business?
Optimistically, I want to believe that it will not die, it will evolve. At least for those who have real contents and who address a real audience.
What is the social media of the future?
It seemed to be Snapchat, then Instagram and its stories showed us that the contrary was true. I believe that those who have something to say will always find a way to address their audience, regardless of the platform they use.
What’s the downside of your profession?
Just like competitive sport is marred by doping, this sector is marred by the very widespread and non-sanctioned practice of buying followers and interactions in general. Hopefully, Instagram sorts this out soon. Another downside are some digital agencies, which are mere intermediaries between the influencer and the brand. They often know nothing about the influencer, except that little figure they see on his IG profile (the number of followers), which today seems to have become sadly important, like a degree. I have co-founded an eyewear brand, how often do you think these fantastic agencies asked me to work for my competitors? They did not even get to read the third line of my profile, which states: co-founder of TBD Eyewear.
How much does this profession yield, in terms of money?
Fortunately, I cannot complain.
How many of your suggestions are honest and not sponsored?
In general I don’t work with businesses that do not match my concept of quality, whatever the budget. And when I work with a brand I like, I always carve out my personal space to state my views freely and politely, for me it is important to always express an opinion, even when the client might not like this. A short anecdote: a few years back, a Korean brand offered me €50.000 for two days of shooting. They have an Italian name and look, all that was needed was the Italian ambassador to help them pass the test. I turned down the offer because I did not find it to be akin to my taste, I thought that the activity was not consistent with my sartorial search for excellence. Today I want to believe that, if I work with important brands like Omega, Vacheron Constantin and Montblanc, it is also because I have made and I keep making decisions like this on a daily basis.
Does your profession as influencer have an expiry date? How do you envision your profession as a grown-up?
I have stopped wondering when and whether all this will last, I prefer doing my best to keep falling in love with my trade every day. If you don’t lose your enthusiasm for what you do, there is no expiry date. The hard part is keeping the flame alive. One needs to evolve and adapt in time to change.
Which apps do you use to retouch your pics and how much do you retouch to obtain the perfect snapshot?
Snapseed, Photoshop Express and Touch Retouch.
Which are, in your opinion, the 10 Italian/international tailor’s shops to keep under the radar?
Caraceni, Ministro della giacca milanese
Musella Dembech, una giovane giacca meneghina
Liverano, la giacca fiorentina per eccellenza
Habitus, giovani romantici romani con suggestioni da tutto il mondo
Eduardo De Simone, la giacca napoletana contaminata da un un know-how di haute couture
Rubinacci/Ciardi/Solito/Panico/Dal Cuore i maestri della giacca napoletana
Sciamát, rivoluzionari pugliesi
Crimi, La giacca siciliana
Photo| Karel Losenicky
Stylist| Lucio Colapietro
MUA & Hair| Giuseppe Giarratana
Fashion Collaborators| Orsola Amadeo and Dario Amato
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