After Kingsman – Secret Service, of 2015, 20th Century Fox presents the sequel Kingsman – The Golden Circle, directed and co-produced by director Matthew Vaughn, as in the first edition. After her personal success in dressing up the film’s interpreters, the famous American costume designer Arianne Phillips, is again part of the crew. The main character, played by Colin Firth, is a sort of 007 secret agent, working for an intelligence agency headquartered in one of Savile Row’s most chic and important tailors, Kingsman. His character is a collection of English elegance, style and aplomb, fascinating and impeccable even in the most challenging situations. Arianne Phillips, in partnernship with the “costume-to-collection” line from the famous male clothing site Mr.Porter, explores new ways of design with a sort of western influence, dressing Channing Tatum, starring along Colin Firth, in a new and particular style; The idea being that it could be shared with today’s young people, who identify with the look of the actors on the screen.
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