December 1st, 2020 – World AIDS Day


On the occasion of December 1st, World AIDS Day, Asa Milano and Milano Check Point, collaborating with CIG – Arcigay Milano, create a special photo and video campaign to raise awareness on HIV, in this very special moment in which the Covid-19 emergency has focused all the media attention on the pandemic. Despite this, HIV continues to spread silently and, unfortunately, people talk less and less about this issue. For this reason, the goal of the campaign – created by Federico Poletti and Daniele Calzavara – is to explain to as many people as possible what HIV is and what is the current situation in order to communicate the message that if HIV is not detectable, it cannot be transmitted: a message that is summarized in the U = U (Undetectable = Untrasmittable) campaign. A manifesto that wants to break down the prejudices against people living with HIV. This is why ASA and Milano Check Point have chosen the slogan #STOPHIVSTIGMA COMBATTI IL PREGIUDIZIO CON L’INFORMAZIONE, which can be found in the photographic campaign spread through the social media accounts of all the people involved. Many well-known faces have joined the campaign on social media, from Sandra Milo to Ferzan Ozpetek up to M ¥ SS KETA, as well as many young actors and actresses and people who have decided to spread the meaning of this equation, scientifically proven for years: U = U Undetactable = Untrasmittable (a HIV – positive person in therapy and with an undetectable viral load cannot transmit the HIV virus).

Over 30 personalities from the world of cinema, music and entertainment participated in the video directed by Manuel Scrima and Giovanni Conte. A beautiful and important signal came from Rome, the symbolic city of cinema, which, thanks to the involvement of Sonia Rondini and Fabrizio Imas, has mobilized with various personalities from the Italian entertainment world. The video, which will be available on December 1st, was shot between Milan and Rome, thanks to the support of the Hotel Valadier, the Mediterranean Restaurant, Giardino del MAXXI and Angelo Cruciani.

“This year, since the pandemic prevents us from organizing events, we have created a video and photo campaign, which involves both well-known faces and ordinary people, that will be spread on social networks to underline that HIV is still spreading and that it’s always subjected to prejudices” – said Massimo Cernuschi, President of ASA and Milan Check Point.

“In a historical moment in which all our resources and energy are invested in the fight against Covid-19, HIV continues inexorably to run its course. There are about 130 thousand HIV-positive people In Italy and 39 million in the world. We always have to remember these data for ourselves and for others, not only on December 1st! – adds Sandra Milo on her Instagram account.

“A video about this topic is essential – comments Manuel Scrima, the director – because many people are still victims of prejudices or simply poorly informed. We wanted the characters to look their audience into the eyes and honestly explain that we shouldn’t be frighten by HIV because, through the correct therapies, HIV positive person cannot be contagious.”

Finally, BURRO STUDIO – a communication agency mainly focused on branding and graphic design, founded by Federica Caserio and Giovanni Manzini – has developed graphics about the U = U Undetectable = Untrasmittable topic, which will be used both for the web campaign and for a t – shirt limited edition, available from mid-December. For the “I Can Give You” campaign, developed by Burro Studio, ASA Milano decided to relaunch Randy Davis’ social project, which focuses on the H I V letters, associating them to some words with a positive connotation such as Hope, Inclusion and Vision. It is another way to underline that HIV-positive people in therapy can only transmit these values ​​and not HIV.


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