We chat with DARRN a new rising music band, born in Rome in 2015, who recently launched the new EP “Chimica”.
How did you meet?
We met in two different moments. The first to know each other were the two producers [Cristian and Den- nis], through a mutual friendship, at the age of 18. We both wanted to throw ourselves into creating something together, in order to escape from that teenage trap of doing covers of Green Day or Evanescence in horrible rehearsal rooms (we still went through that phase, there is no escape). At first, we did some sort of strange progressive rock.
We almost immediately took a break from that period. After a year, however, we were back together in the room looking for more electronic sounds and a more intimate dimension, to create a type of music that would satisfy us. It was 2014/2015 and the trap transition was taking place in Italy. We wanted to follow that wave a little, but in a much more personal way, creating our own sound. Dennis (the producer) was enrolled in some singing lessons at the time and made his teacher listen to the music we made. At the time we were looking for someone who could talk to our musical world. Dario (the singer) was attending the same lessons with the same teacher, who acted as an intermediary. He recommended a boy to us who he said was a strong composer who could sing our music. We met and a week later we had already finalized a song (which will never come out).
What is the origin of the name DARRN?
It has no specific meaning. Before we met, Dario published some tracks in English on YouTube with the name Darren; a nickname originating from school. When we decided to work together the difficulty was putting together three different heads to find a name. At the time we went to mix our music at Stabber (a Italian music producer ndr). He simply gave us the suggestion to continue using that name and we for copyright reasons (since there is already a Darren making music in the world) we take out the E. The same problem that The Weeknd had with his name. Then if you go to the Urban Dictionary and type Darren you can read something like: “A good looking, intelligent, straight individual who is known for partying hard and getting all the ladies” lol. So we love it and decided to keep DARRN.
Which artists are inspiring you?
James Blake, The Weeknd with his “Trilogy”, Frank Ocean with “Blond” and “Endless” and also Sampha with “Process”. And recently we are in love with Crush by Floating Points
How was your “Chemistry” EP is born?
By CHEMISTRY we mean something that can join – and is physically created by the release of serotonin and dopamine – but it can also divide, when these substances are missing. CHEMISTRY is the difficulty in finding a perfect balance between two people, from the balance between rational and irrational. The chemistry to which we refer to is the essence of our personalities, which continually collide and can create new matter, or choose whether to wander alone in search of an alternative solution. The EP is going well. The fact is that before numbers, we would like to see what the audience’s response is when we do live concerts – that is the most important moment for us. So as soon as we start playing around we will let you know.
Your plans for the future and dreams in the drawer
For now we are working on new music and we are creating a live show that makes the most of the intimate dimension of the tracks of CHIMICA. A dream is certainly to be able to write an album around the world: go to the studio in Tokyo or Berlin, record something in Bangkok and mix everything at Jeff Ellis’ in Los Angeles. In fact, it’s still a dream…
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