Chef in Town: Lemon Protein Cake recipe.

When talking about keeping in shape, the fork plays a key role. Especially today, in a partial on and off lockdown condition that requires us to stay at home, letting ourselves go in the kitchen is a strong temptation. However, you can indulge in a few whims thanks to a slight revisitation of the recipes more caloric.

It is essential to know the percentage of protein that meals contain. On the other hand, a high protein diet would be harmful to our organism. Food sources of protein come from animal origin’s food (meat, fish, eggs, milk, and dairy products), legumes, nuts, oilseeds, and cereals. Also, proteins with carbohydrates and fats constitute a macronutrient that is a category of substances whose intake must be regular and measured.

Cooking also means being creative and able to change (and in some cases distort) traditional recipes that apparently would seem rich in fat and sugar. The tricks to turn our favorite dish into a light snack are many: sometimes use gluten-free flour and add fresh fruit instead of maple syrup or replace the beef sauce with chicken sauce or classic béchamel sauce with Greek yogurt.

Lemon Protein Cake is a simple recipe made with healthy and natural ingredients; this cake is also perfect as a “hunger-breaker” to keep under control that sudden desire for food that we have, for example, while we enjoy a movie on the sofa.

Lemon Protein Cake

Quantity: 4 persons

Time: 40 minutes

Difficulty: medium/easy

Recommended meal: snack/dessert

Ingredients: 200g of oatmeal, 400g of egg white, 1 squeezed lemon, 100g of hazelnuts, 100g of lemon zest, 2-3 tablespoons of soy, 70g (1 scoop) of protein yogurt taste, 30g of fructose.


Combine half of the oat flakes in a bowl and then blend them to obtain a fine flour.

Squeeze a lemon and grate it (keep the peel). Chop the hazelnuts with a blender until they are crisp, not too thin pieces with a dusty texture. In a bowl, pour the oatmeal and flakes, lemon juice, fructose, lemon zest, proteins and mix all with the egg whites and hazelnuts. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 180° C. Once you have a homogeneous mixture, pour it all in a cylindrical container (to give it the shape of a small cake), bake, and cook at 180° C for 30 minutes. Remove the cake and add the lemon peel and chopped hazelnuts to decorate.


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