Not Just Passion: The Talent of Caterina De Angelis

Caterina De Angelis

Born in 2001, Caterina De Angelis strikingly resembles her mother Margherita Buy in her contagious smile and ironic sense of self. From her father Renato De Angelis, a well-known Roman surgeon, she inherited a love for nature, animals and in particular dogs. Her passion led her first to England to study film science at the University of Exeter and then the Silvio D’Amico Academy of Dramatic Art. We’ve already seen her in the role of Carlo Verdone’s daughter in Vita da Carlo and in Volare, the debut film directed by her mother. Caterina has amply demonstrated her talent, overcoming the mistrust of being a daughter of art; her career is a good example for all aspiring young actors, as well as demonstrating how passion can be transformed into a profession thanks to her skills and perseverance.

Caterina De Angelis
Top Maison Nencioni, pants Alessandro Vigilante, bag Borbonese, shoes stylist’s own

«Slowly I fell in love with this world, which had always been a little bit around the corner, but which I had always ignored»

How did the opportunity with Carlo Verdone come about?

It was completely random. It all started with photos for a cover of Vanity Fair, which got noticed, and from there they called me for a short film. Muccino and Verdone saw me in it, and thought I would be an interesting addition to the series, without, among other things, knowing in the least who I was. At one point Muccino called me, saying: ‘We saw your short film, auditions are open if you’d like to come give it a shot.’ During Covid I sent in my self-tape and started doing several auditions when they came in and said, ‘Okay, let’s take you to meet Carlo.’ After the last Skype audition with Carlo Verdone and Antonio Bannò, they finally told me that I had been chosen. It was a huge thrill. And in celebrating, I asked Carlo: ‘Do you remember me?’ He answered, and I quote, ‘No, who the hell are you?’ When I told him who I was, he was stunned, because he remembered me as a quiet, shy six or seven year old girl.

Caterina De Angelis
Total look Tod’s

What did you take from this experience that has continued successfully for several seasons?

We’ve just shot the fourth season. This experience was a disaster for me but in a positive sense, because now every set I work on will be a nightmare compared to Vita da Carlo. A sense of family has been created there, which is such a cliche thing to say, but it really is true. We have travelled, shared a lot and worked hard. We have grown together in these three years. A special bond has been created among the actors. I have great esteem for Carlo, and he has been my teacher and a very important person for me, as he gave me the opportunity to start acting. A job I hope to do for the rest of my life. This wonderful situation has been created, and I’m a bit terrified, also of reaching the end of this road.

Caterina De Angelis: «When you choose this job it is because, in my opinion, there is something primal inside you from a young age, which then gets lost if it is not nurtured by the right people»

From the fear of an inevitable confrontation with your mom (Margherita Buy), you ended up in the movie with her.

It was a choice we made together and on purpose, because we thought: ‘They’ll always talk about it, regardless of what we do…’ Then, fortunately, I was delighted to start this job, and people have in fact proved better than I thought. I’ve never been criticised much, I’ve never had any big nos, it’s all gone pretty well. Those who’ve worked with me, I think they’ve realised that I’m truly passionate about acting, and I face it quite seriously. Since it was her first film, why take away the fun of doing it together? And because it was also an idea that we’d had more or less together and it spoke to a theme we were experiencing at the time, it would have been foolish to fear others’ judgment.

Caterina De Angelis
Total look Alexander Mcqueen, earrings Coin

You’ve overcome a preconceived notion. And the film was a surprise for everyone…

It was wonderful because it brought out a side of my mother and her character that hadn’t emerged before today. There’s also a kind of lightness in the movie where she talks about herself, making fun of herself. It was different and I think it surprised a lot of people. 

Caterina De Angelis
Total look Gucci

What are the next projects you’re working on?

Soon I’ll start shooting a film with the director and producer Luca Lucini between Milan, Rome and Sanremo. It’s an interesting project where I’ll be the bad guy for a change…

Caterina De Angelis
Total look Blazé, shoes Casadei


Photographer Maddalena Petrosino

Stylist Valeria Papa

Make up artist & hair stylist Alessandro Joubert

Location Rome Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria


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