From geek to trendsetter: the nerd becomes an icon of style and progress in modern society

Millions of kids who grew up on bread and rom-com in full American style have always been fascinated by the idea that the geek could become a celebrity in between pushing against the locker. Those long hallways flooded with football players waiting for scholarships and gossipy cheerleaders that have fueled in European students the so-called American Dream.
And it is the popular culture of these teen movies that show this imagery that brings to the surface the hidden qualities of those previously labeled as losers.
A world to be told that conceals a great passion for science, video games, cinema, fantastic literature, computer science, and even robotics. Driven by curiosity to explore the virtual dimension, the online and offline community of nerds play a crucial role in the way the modern world is shaped.
And even in the fashion world, thanks to social media teeming with micro-trends, nerd style certainly does not go unnoticed. The ever-present eyeglasses, shirt buttoned up to the neck and sweater stolen from grandpa’s closet turn geek into chic.


Creative director: Angelo Marco Accardi

Photographer: Jerry Agbebaku

PR: Chiara Denaro

Stylist: Terry Agbebaku

Ass. stylist: Natalina Opiangah

Model: Alexis Meziani

Grooming: Americo Turtoro


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