A fresh and easy recipe for summer

A fresh and easy recipe for summer by Zona Franca: Sauteed Vegetables

Ingredients for 6 people: 300 grams of broad beans, 2 leeks, 2 celeries, 3 carrots, 2 american potatoes, 1/3 of a little spring greens cabbage. Wash and clean the veggies very well, peel the potatoes and the carrots.

Roll-cut the leeks, cut the broad beans into three parts, roll-cut the carrots with a lenght of a half cm, the potatoes into thin slices of a half cm, the cabbage into medium slices.

Wash and drain well, take a big pan, at least three times bigger than the quantity of the veggies, put inside the seeds of 3 cardamom pods and a spoon of coriander seeds, toast them softly trying not to burn them, add 3/4 of a spoon of extravergin olive oil. Cook them at high temperature without letting the oil steam. When the temperature is very high, put the veggies inside the pan, creating ta thermal shock by always keeping the fire at very high temperatures. The pan should stay open, the vegetables don’t have to steam neither to grill. Add salt and pepper depending on your taste.

Use 2 steel tablespoons to turn the vegetables in the frying pan for about 8/10 minutes. When you start to see that the potatoes and the cabbage become al dente, switch off the fire, cover them and leave them cooking for other 5 minutes. Check that the vegetables aren’t uncooked. It’s better to cook them al dente, instead of risking to cook them too much.

Serve the plate at a medium temperature.


ZONA FRANCA is a take away service in Varese where sweet and savory dishes are available and are cooked primarily with vegetables, fruit and flours that are grown from ancient seeds. The raw materials grown from ancient seeds are cultivated using exclusively organic and “biodynamic” methods. Seasonal fruit and vegetables with a short distribution chain are preferred. The plates, glasses and containers used are made up of vegetable fibres that are completely biodegradable. The ovens used are combined electric and steam or gas, nothing is warmed up or cooked in the microwave. A vast range of fruit and vegetable extracts are available in both hot and cold seasons. The project is devised by the artist Franca Formenti and co-directed by Giulia Bonomi. www.zonafranca.biz


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