Horoscope for May 2021: Stars & Styles

Welcome to Stars and Styles, our monthly horoscope appointment, with the guidance of Astro-coach Massimo Giannone, renowned astrologer. Gifted with exceptional sensitivity, he reads with a methodical eye and interprets with the gift of intuition. Giannone has literally conquered the heart of Italy, starting from Milan, the capital of fashion and publishing, with his fixed appointments on Il Sole 24 Ore and Gioia.

His method has also conquered the high-end fashion industry, which has led him to be the protagonist of fashion events and promotional tours throughout Italy for brands such as Maliparmi and Prairie. His approach, far from generic, enters the psychological and soul aspect of the personalities linked to the zodiacal sign, with a perceptive interpretative key that is aimed at providing advice for rebirth, rebuilding.

Experiences are teachings, if you learn to grasp their directives, your life can change completely” says Massimo Giannone.

Curated by Francesca Romana Riggio

Text by Astro Coach Massimo Giannone

Illustrations by Maria Lombardi

Aries – During childhood, curiosity gives children a chance to joy and be surprised in front of any new opportunity in their daily life. They are free from social restrictions and fears that prevent people from facing new situations. To overcome events that afflict us, we should look at reality with children’s eyes, which turn a problem into an opportunity through their purity of soul. 

Dear Aries, your emotional state is not fulfilling. Many external events and your state of mind not willing to share might increase stress. Be proactive and try not to fill your mind with negative thoughts. 

Love: some family situations make your soul nervous and they might lead you to arguments or misunderstanding with your partner. The time has come to overcome this feeling and win over tensions through lightness. 

Career: you need more stability and the current situation is not giving you balances but a pessimistic view that could affect your fixed professional results. Try to communicate without getting angry. 

“True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it the presence of justice”, claimed Martin Luther King. 

Your Path: constantly living under mental pressure prevents us from helping each other and finding the necessary ways to rebalance our daily life. We should behave freely and without the logic that forces us to face things immediately: we should wait for better times. Rigour increases tensions. We have to imagine evolving in other situations, thus crossing the threshold of a new becoming, more harmonious and proper for us. 

Taurus – Romanticism was an artistic and cultural movement in the 18th century, but it is also an emotional, passionate, and dreamy state of mind that can arouse emotions and create unforgettable atmospheres through gestures and self-manifestation. Observing reality with such a feeling turns every situation into an emotional vibration. 

Dear Taurus, with Mercury, Venus, and Uranus in the sign, you will convey emotions and strong feelings through your sweet and sensitive words in every aspect of your daily life. Focusing on giving and understanding, you will attract positive energies that will make you happy.

Love: your words to the people you love will vibrate with emotional and intense vibrations that will arouse strong feelings in your partner. You will create a dreamy and romantic environment full of passions and moments to share. Your desires will be satisfied and you will receive valuable attention. 

Career: with Jupiter in Pisces from mid-month, your need for something new will be satisfied by glad and unexpected news. You will overcome obstacles thanks to your instinct, letting you jump at any opportunity. 

“To say the word Romanticism is to say modern art – that is, intimacy, spirituality, color, aspiration towards the infinite, expressed by every means available to the arts”, claimed Charles Baudelaire, a French poet. 

Your Path: You have to look at your daily life without any filter and live it as if it were a fairy tale that teaches that everything can be turned into an occasion to challenge yourselves. With a romantic and dreamy attitude, you can turn everything into a new wonderful reality. 

Gemini Many Greek gods’ personalities can be used as metaphors to explain how we can face situations in our daily life. An interpretation to overcome rooted convictions and improve ourselves, thus beginning a new path that can give us new tools and goals. 

Dear Gemini, with Mercury and Venus in the sign, you will have the right way to communicate and convey your emotions, ideas, and the beauty in you through the comprehension of others’ needs. 

Love: the dialogue will be your trump card. You will be able to convey lightness and the right emotions to your beloved ones, you will face misunderstandings with your partner with closeness and a strong sense of protection. Young people and single ones will experience maturity in the soul and will have the enthusiasm and desire to act. 

Career: it is time to look at the future with more trust and responsibility. Nothing has to be casual, your objectives have to be clear. Evaluate everything before giving consent, dedicating yourselves to your necessities, and giving more value to your time. Neptune in Pisces might distract you. Avoid vices and any excess. 

“If understanding is impossible, knowing is necessary”, claimed Primo Levi, a writer. 

Your Path: we try every day to understand the daily experiences that improve us. The universe is loving and it gives us the right way through experiences. Don’t persist in going your way and accept that everything has its solving time. 

Cancer When dealing with a challenge, finding the right energetic strength means understanding and adapting to universal laws. 

The lyrics of the song “Viva la Vida” by Coldplay are inspired by a famous painting by Frida, a Mexican paintress, appreciated for her optimism. The song talks about kings, knights, and missionaries, it has many religious references and a tendency to give an optimistic vision of life, even when facing cruel events.

Dear Cancer, with Mars in the sign, you will have great energies to face your daily life, but you will need a balance and you will have to overcome those feelings that might not make you take opportunities when they come. 

Love: a depth of soul, a tendency to intense passions, and the right way to relate to those you love will make this phase great. Try to give them trust and transparency and reassure them. 

Career: you will be able to manage any obstacle with determination and there will be a lot of them. The stars suggest joining rigor and emotions. 

Your Path: energy is responsible for animating the material. To do any task, it is necessary to dose the energies, make them in tune with what we want to do. Avoid excesses and wastes. Our reality is energy and it is the basic element of everything in the universe. Dosing it means using it in the right way. 

Leo – Some mythological figures indicate a path in front of risks. Cyclops, for example, had reduced vision because they had only one eye in the middle of the forehead. They suggest that risk cannot be calculated: you cannot know how it will happen, but only the damage that it might cause. For example, we do know the disruptive power of catastrophic natural events such as earthquakes, but we do not know how and when they occur. The only way is the prevention to cushion the potential problem. So, it is no point feeling bad before the events, it is necessary to deepen your knowledge and try to do your best to avoid being caught unprepared. 

Dear Leo, there will be many difficulties and problems to face. Opposing Jupiter and Saturn are indicators of challenges, but with the right vision and good prevention, you will find a way to soften the obstacles and find good solutions. Don’t be anxious and nervous, concentration and an optimistic spirit will help you. 

Love:  it will be necessary to tolerate some annoying attitudes of your partner. Instead of reacting impulsively, try to explain your hard moments and your need for harmony and serenity to handle this phase. 

Career: you don’t have to make the mistake of overlooking difficult situations, but you need a long-term vision, avoiding causing further tensions and disappointments in your professional field. 

“The best ideas do not come from the reason, but a lucid, visionary madness”, claimed Erasmo of Rotterdam, a Dutch theologist and philosopher. 

Your Path: The right vision in every aspect of our daily life makes us open towards others and leads us to clear and friendly dialogue and the right way to face obstacles and difficulties. Finding the right vision also means solving everything that afflicts us, the path to our peace. 

Virgo – St Augustine teaches that patience is when we tolerate every evil and through which we can reach benevolent paths for us and the environment around us. Those who are not patient have energy that prevents them from improving and they often suffer. Being patient leads the soul to a more light future, understanding the temporary nature of events and that time will reorder things. 

Dear Virgo, fear and impatience might lead you to make mistakes that are hard to solve. Peace and calm are the most appropriate ways. Tolerating and waiting will lead you to serene in front of future situations. 

Love: opposing Venus, Neptune and the Sun will lead you to a dark spirit. You will struggle to understand your partner and you will be afraid of making mistakes that you won’t be able to solve. You need to trust your partner and avoid problems and concerns. 

Career: there will be a lot of occasions to take. Don’t let emotions take over you, take control and try to distinguish and separate your mind from your heart. Confirmations will come and you will find a way to work at your best. Breath deeply and wait for the right moments. 

“Don’t do good to others if you don’t have the strength to handle ungratefulness”, claimed Confucius, a Chinese philosopher. 

Your Path: patience is one of the greatest virtues. It makes us act at the best moments. It gives people the maturity to face any aspect of life. Moreover, caution reduces risk factors. In this way, you can overcome anxieties and disappointments caused by what you do not know, thus reinforcing willingness. 

Libra – In Greek mythology, the myth of Aracne is popular. Aracne was a young lady who had the art of weaving. She competed against the goddess Atena, known as a great weaver, to weave the best fabric. Aracne won the competition and the goddess herself had to admit the beauty of Aracne’s fabric. However, she got angry about losing and punished the young lady: she had to hang on a tree forever and could not weave with her hands anymore, but with her mouth. She turned her into a spider. Aracne was condemned because she was better at weaving than the goddess Atena. Anger and lack of sensitivity blind people. Despite your major position in something, there is no need to be presumptuous, just be grateful for your talents.  

Dear Libra, benevolent Mercury will lead you to deep dialogue and high intellectual stimuli. You will have the chance to attract the desired opportunities, but great humility is necessary.

Love: with sweet and comprehensive words, you will encourage your partner and the people you love, you will lead them to serenity and the solution for their fragilities. In this way, you will improve the couple’s intimacy and your family relationships. 

Career: at work, you need to be sensitive to your professional partners and colleagues. Avoid tensions and arguments. By expressing your necessities clearly and gently you will create relationships based on fairness and transparency. 

“Sensitivity is the most elegant and precious dress intelligence could wear”, claimed Osho, a spiritual mentor. 

Your Path:  Being sensitive to those we love leads us to control our instincts and a different way of reacting, because, through understanding, the ability to judge is higher and closer to others. Don’t be indifferent but sympathetic so that you will be appreciated for this behavior. 

Scorpio – Perceiving without rationalizing is a heart’s quality. It allows people to pick up early the events, waking up from an illusory reality. In a song by The Sun, “The opportunities I missed”, the lyrics invite us to understand that it is always possible to choose, the essence of everything is LOVE, with which we face every aspect of our life. An invitation to believe in our strengths and understand that negative events can turn into an opportunity for personal growth. 

Dear Scorpio, Mercury in Taurus in the first days of the month and Uranus in the sign suggest acting with a depth of heart in every field of your daily life. A word uttered with your heart cheers up others’ souls and will make you avoid deterrent impulses. 

Love: to keep serenity in your couple, the stars suggest listening to your emotions but also being careful not to let them take over. Prevent instincts from taking control with complicity and kindness.

Career: Jupiter will stimulate your creativity. Thanks to a far-sighted vision, you will enjoy stability and a deep critical sense. In this way, you will avoid pitfalls. Moreover, if you add your heart to your initiatives you will get respect and gratifications. 

“The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides”, claimed Audrey Hepburn, a British actress. 

Your Path: expressing ourselves through our heart and not our mind leads us to a wonderful path, making us realize if a person or a situation is right for us. Our heart knows already the future helping us take the right way. 

Sagittarius –  In a song by Fabrizio de Andrè “Fragile friend”, the songwriter describes the defeat of those who chose the role of judge, moralist, and libertarian. A part of the song says:” I could cross liters and liters of coral to reach a place called Bye-bye”. A reflection of the artist, dictated by his pain of not understanding his limits. 

Dear Sagittarius, with opposing Mercury and Venus, your words and feelings will experience a sort of fragility because of great sensitivity and achieved maturity.

Love: dialogues will be a bit lively and confrontation will not be easy. Others will not understand you easily and you will receive criticisms or unfair attitudes. Be kind and maybe postpone the dialogue when the phase is more harmonious. 

Career: you might receive annoying news that will make you anxious. You should listen and be accomodating. Young people of the sign will have to accept criticism. 

“The strongest love is the love that can demonstrate its fragility”, claimed Paulo Coelho. 

Your Path: go beyond your limits, overcome your necessities to be closer to the people we care about. It is a great act of love that purifies your soul and gives valid tools to build harmonies. 

Capricorn – There are different ways to approach demons inside of us. They have a powerful impact on us, so it is necessary to recognize them to face them in the best possible way. Each of us experiences emotions differently from others. A positive and intense way is to overcome fears and guilt. Then it is necessary to remove negative emotions gradually, trying to overcome waves of anger. 

Dear Capricorn, with opposing Mars, you will have an energy drain, a sort of dissatisfaction that might cause negative emotions and extreme attitudes towards those who love you. You have to change your way of acting to avoid situations of instability. 

Love: sadness and misunderstandings are too painful for you, you will feel misunderstood and ignored. You might no longer handle the environment around you. The solution to these situations is self-control. 

Career: at workyou will be a bit tired and demotivated because situations struggle to take off and also because you thought you would achieve some rewards earlier. Rather than grieving, try to make the best use of your chances and time, maybe by investing in training. 

“First of all, the emotion! Only after understanding”, claimed Paul Gauguin, a French painter. 

Your Path: to overcome your emotions and avoid making mistakes, you need to stop a moment to reflect and find control of the situation through techniques such as meditation. You have to consider what is useful and positive for you, learning to recognize events before they happen. 

Aquarius – In Greek mythology, the myth of Apollo and Daphne is well known. Daphne was Gea and Peneo’s daughter, she was a nymph who decided to give up on love. Apollo fell in love with her, but she asked for help from her father to escape from the temptation of love and she turned into a laurel tree: a transformation to overcome human limits and ascend to win pain. 

Dear Aquarius, with Jupiter until mid-month and Saturn in the sign, you will overcome your fragility through a process of sublimation. It is necessary to evolve from caterpillar to butterfly, even though it will imply some sacrifices. 

Love: some news will come, but you will not get things easily. You need to overcome anxieties and accept Saturn’s teachings. Through coherence and strong will, you will be able to manage your fragility. 

Career: you need to have a lot of grit. You have to win apprehension with a lucid vision and determination. Avoid being influenced by others’ limits and try to move on confidently. Your ability to reason will help you. 

“Pain has some limits, but apprehension doesn’t, because we grieve for what we know has happened, but we fear everything that can happen”, claimed Plinius the Elder, a philosopher. 

Your Path:  when we feel troubled, we need to put aside painful thoughts and turn our minds to positive memories. It is necessary to avoid unclear situations, otherwise, concerns and fears increase. Being calm and peaceful helps find serenity. You will grow to achieve maturity that will lead you to clear skies by overcoming your barriers. 

Pisces – A song by Achille Lauro, “Rolls Royce”, talks about an unquiet life, where it is difficult to be carefree. It talks about people dealing with excesses, drugs, overcoming human limits, people who did not manage to handle their success and have chosen a path of no return to a lack of respect towards themselves. Fragility and fear lead human beings to self-destruction or self-punishment. 

Dear Pisces, Neptune is the planet that in astrology represents dreams and fantasy, but it also indicates vices and extremes such as drugs and addictions. In your sign, it can indicate a brilliant vision out of traditional canons. However, you do not have to go beyond the extremes, it is necessary to have control. Love and respect yourselves and others.

Love: excessive sentimentality can lead to dissatisfaction if you do not have that love returned. Rather than hurting yourself with negative thoughts, play with your imagination and avoid imposing your will. 

Career: intuition will be high during this phase. You will be able to reason and have a great future vision. Stay away from prejudice and if events are too repetitive, avoid excesses of judgment. 

“If all the year were playing holidays, to sport would be as tedious as to work”, claimed William Shakespear. 

Your Path: self-doubt and fear of risks can lead to excesses. A middle course is preferred. Create harmonious connections with self-respect and respect for others. 

Freddy Carter – the mysterious Kaz Brekker in Shadow and Bone

Photographer: Joseph Sinclair

Stylist: Ella Gaskell

Groomer: Nadia Altinbas

If you are charmed by the fantasy genre, where a long series of events intertwines with the adventures of protagonists with a complex personality in unreal places, you cannot miss “Shadow and Bone“, a TV series adapted from the first novel of the fantasy duology Six of Crows, set in the world of Grisha, written by the American authoress Leigh Bardugo.  The novel is narrated in the first person by the protagonist, Alina Starkov, a teen orphan who grew up in Ravka, a fantasy world inspired by Tsarist Russia in the 1800s, with breathtaking costumes and special effects. 

On the occasion of its release on Netflix, Mondadori republished the novel with a new graphic and the title “Shadow and Bone” on 3rd November 2020. 

Freddy Carter, a film director, is also an extraordinary actor who plays the role of Kaz Brekker, a mysterious criminal, in Shadow and Bone. As you can perceive from his work as a director, with his short film “No. 89“, even in the guise of an actor, he can combine a subtle and sharp irony with tragic situations, with an unexpected rhythm that makes you feel dizzy. He stages stories and relationships among characters in the most innovative way possible. 

Mr. Brekker is a cold and detached individual with a mysterious charm who hides a past that turns out to be eye-opening and will reveal his temperament. His eyes unveil an unsolved pain mixed with a thirst for revenge. He is a clever criminal prodigy who does not trust even his closest friends. The eight episodes reserve many surprises about the characters and their evolution. 

Freddy was born in 1993, he spent his formative years at the Oxford School of Drama. His first theater experiences were followed by the first performance on the big screen in the movie Wonder Woman, where he played the role of a soldier. However, he got the fame he deserved when he played the character of Peter, called Pin, in Free Rein. 

We know you wrote and produced the short film “No. 89” with Caroline Ford and your brother Tom Austen. Would you talk about it? 

“I think that “No. 89” is one of the works that I am most proud of. Seeing a project developing from the initial idea, through the production, to its conclusion has been very fulfilling. It has been a pleasure working with Caroline and Tom: they are both talented actors who made my job much easier. I have been affected by the “movie direction virus” because now I am working on my second short film “Broken Gargoyles” which will be shot in the next few weeks.”

In which series have you felt most at ease? Besides interpreting the cold Mr. Brekker, we have also seen you play the role of Pin Hawthorne in Free Rein. 

“I have been so lucky to work on a wide range of TV programs with different tones, themes, and targets. I enjoyed working on Free Rein. It is rare to play the same character for three years – eventually, I felt like I knew who Pin really was. But I admit that Kaz Brekker has been my favorite role so far. He is so complex and there is always something more under the surface: it is a real challenge.” 

By the way, do you like riding a horse? Which are your hobbies off the set? 

“I love riding a horse, I miss it so much and hope to go back to it soon. Besides acting, my greatest passion is photography. I started taking pictures of my colleagues on the set of Free Rein. It was born as a distraction to kill time and then I fell in love with it. It is a way to remember all the emotional adventures that I am lucky to experience.”

Shadow and Bone is a hymn to friendship and the importance of an alley to achieve goals. Which role does the presence of a partner play in your life? Do you want to tell us about a specific experience? 

“This is so true. The topic of the family is very important in the books and it is also evident in the TV show. I think I had a similar experience with the cast of “Shadow and Bone” in Budapest. We all arrived in that new city alone, nobody knew each other, but we soon got closer and created a small family.”

Do you have any projects? Either as a director or as an actor. 

“I am very excited to start filming a new miniseries called “Masters of the Air” for Apple TV. I will work with the same team of “Band of Brothers” and “The Pacific”, this is a dream coming true for me because I loved that series. As a director, we are getting ready to shoot “Broken Gargoyles” in London within a few weeks!”

What does it mean today to be a film director? Does he/she have a responsibility in the choice of the topics? 

“I think it is fundamental to put some elements of hope in the stories we tell. The pandemic and the various lockdowns have shown how necessary entertainment and the arts are for people’s well-being. So, as long as artists do not lose hope, everything will be fine.”

Curated by Francesca Romana Riggio

Royal Hotel Sanremo, the excellence on the Riviera dei Fiori

In the movie “The Lady of the Lake” by Franco Rossellini and Luigi Bazzoni, there are love and scandals, disappearances, and mysterious appearances. In “Grand Budapest Hotel” by the visionary Wes Anderson, we can see the same guests from the decadent European aristocracy through flashbacks. “Lost in translation” is the story of an encounter in empty and silent rooms at night. We are talking about hotels, places of passage, business relationships, or what writers call “inspiration” with frescoed halls and panoramic views from their golden rooms. 

One of the most dreamlike hotels in Italy is the Royal Hotel Sanremo, the exclusive luxury five-star hotel of the Città dei Fiori. The Royal Hotel is definitely the crown jewel in the colorful city of Sanremo. It is surrounded by the palms of the subtropical park of 16,000 square meters and it overlooks the Mediterranean Sea in a unique position, close to the sandy beaches and the city center with the renowned Casino and luxurious boutiques. 

The hotel was inaugurated in 1872 to become home to the European Belle Epoque and high aristocracy. It is still today a destination of excellence on the Riviera dei Fiori. Frescoed halls evoke scenes of light conversations among ladies surrounded by a magical atmosphere. The big marble columns and portraits of men with pocket watch create a reading environment during breakfast that offers sweet and savory versions with delicious omelets freshly cooked by the chef. 

As we all know, Italy is famous for the food quality. The Royal Hotel has a big dining room where it serves the local excellences. Its name is “Fiori di Murano” for the precious chandeliers made of glass flowers. The view is over the park and the sea, every window is framed by white curtains that let the light pass and by golden draped valances. 

During summer nights, The Royal Hotel offers “Il Giardino” for romantic candlelight dinners on the terrace and “Il Corallina” with a pool bar by the swimming pool for informal lunches from June to October. 

The Royal Hotel is a member of the prestigious organization of luxury accommodation “The Leading Hotels of the World”. It has 127 rooms, including 14 exclusive suites, such as the Sissi Suite, where the Empress of Austria resided, with a large terrace with a hot tub from which you can enjoy a wonderful view, sunbeds, and a gazebo to sunbathe in total privacy. It has a marble bathroom with the courtesy set signed Royal and a royal-style living room where you can drink champagne and eat fresh fruit. 

For days by the swimming pool, Giò Ponti thought about a huge scenographic bath with a jagged shape that might recall the sea. Signed by the great architect, the swimming pool contains seawater at 27°C. 

The Royal Wellness proposes exclusive treatments; there are a large hot tub, experience showers, a steam bath, and a relax area with a tea corner. The fitness room is for those who want to keep in shape even on holiday. Tennis matches, minigolf, and a small shop will make you feel at home and will delight your days. 

The Royal Hotel Sanremo has maintained the charm of the most elite building of the Riviera dei Fiori for years. It’s no coincidence that the Rotary Club Sanremo was born in this place in 1931 thanks to Mario Bertolini. It is the ideal destination for those who look for the ancient meaning of elegance and accommodation and love comfort combined with refinement. 

Travel with Manintown curated by Francesca Riggio

Attractive destinations for your spring break

It is already late spring and the desire to escape is getting urgent. The season is perfect for a short break: temperatures are rising, the sun is shining, prices are cheap. Do you prefer an exotic destination? Do you want to get away but not too far? Or do you prefer to visit a city? If you haven’t decided yet, here are some destinations for you: 


It offers a variety of activities related to the sea, the sun, and a beautiful coral reef. It is ideal to book in one of the luxurious resorts in Sharm El Sheikh or Hurghada to enjoy the shades of the ocean, tasting a cocktail by the swimming pool while sunbathing. Do you want to go on a trip that combines adventure and history? Well, you have the chance to visit the wonderful city of Alessandria or El Cairo. 


Spring is definitely the best season to visit the beautiful UK capital that brings together nightlife, shopping, and culture, all in the same city. In this period, temperatures are high and the weather is less rainy than usual. What else? 


An ideal place for a holiday with your partner, but also with your family or friends. The amazing city of Istanbul has all the ingredients for a perfect holiday depending on your travel companions: you can choose different attractions, museums, restaurants, and much more. And if you want to go to the seaside, Turkey also gives this possibility: it is enough to move to cities such as Antalya, Bodrum, and Kemer. 


If you choose this destination, a backpack and free spirit cannot miss. Malaysia is a place dedicated to adventure. Visit the fascinating city of Kaula Lumpur and then make a stop in Shah Alam. Between one excursion and another, take your time to meditate, purifying your mind and spirit, admiring landscapes of unspoiled nature. 


It is one of the most popular destinations for families but also for couples looking for a romantic location. Here you can find mild and sun-drenched beaches and large expanses of sand where to enjoy the warm spring weather. You can visit Hammamet and go to the suggestive beach of Mahida. Then you can make a stop in Sousse for a city break steeped in history and admire the natural beauty that this wonderful African setting offers. Do you prefer a more touristy location to enjoy the nightlife? Well, you can’t miss the well-known city of Djerba. 

Travel with Manintown curated by Francesca Riggio

Chef in Town: the best restaurants in Porto Ercole- Costa d’Argento

Porto Ercole is a state of mind. Here everything is possible: while drinking a cappuccino at 11 am in a bar at the harbor, you might see the film director Paolo Sorrentino with his son going to the pier and ready to get on a boat. Even the most famous digital businesswoman, Chiara Ferragni, comes to have lunch with her sisters in one of the most globally quoted fine dining gourmet restaurants, which will be mentioned in this article dedicated to the best restaurants in the maritime village Monte Argentario in Tuscany. Well, even though we are not in the splendors of the ’60s, the jet-set still loves this exclusive place. To tell the truth, a record number of visitors has been recorded in summer 2020. Come here to believe it. But above all, to enjoy breathtaking views and delicious seafood dishes. 

Il Pellicano

A deep passion for Mediterranean cuisine is Michelino Gioia‘s secret. He makes traditional Italian recipes unique, turning them into contemporary creations through innovative techniques. Thus, it is not just a riot of flavors, but its specialty lies in the chromatic combinations of the dish presentation. 

There are two key points for the creation of each recipe: giving the proper value to the products’ naturalness and reinforcing the connection with the territory. The abundance of Tuscan raw materials from sea and land takes shape in divine dishes to taste in the moonlight. At  Il Pellicano restaurant (which is in the homonymous hotel run by Marie Louise Sciò, one of the most famous in the world), chef Michelino Gioia offers a traditional Italian cuisine that at times blends cleverly with international flavors.

All the chef’s favorite raw materials such as pigeons, oysters, red mullets, lobster, and shrimps are part of the menu, created with passion and love. At the end of every dinner, a cart with artisanal chocolate is offered to all guests. Amongst the seasonal specialties, the chef proposes lobster, “pappa al pomodoro”, ricotta and lovage, Anguilla di Orbetello (the town close to Porto Ercole, famous for this kind of fish), duck and parmigiana.

Alicina Hosteria 

A special place where to taste the sea at zero km. 

Ivan Silvestri is the chef patron of Alicina Hosteria, a little veranda right in the center of the Tuscan village, close to the harbor. Even Chiara Ferragni and her sisters chose to eat in this small and cozy restaurant. Silvestri’s devotion led him to be mentioned in the Gambero Rosso, L’ Espresso, and Michelin guides. Alicina’s winery has more than 300 labels, “because the customer needs to be at the top” – claimed the owner – including Bellavista and Corion Charlemagne. The menu varies throughout the year following the philosophy of ” the sea at zero km”. All raw materials are bought at the fishmongers along Porto Ercole seafront. Therefore, the menu changes according to the season. 

Silvestri is working on the products’ seasonality and a new dessert menu. Amongst his must-have, he mentions the “snowball” topped with vodka foam or the coconut, mango and lime cake. Amongst the main courses, there is “fusilli cacio e pepe” with bottarga, a dish that he presented on the occasion of Festa a Vico, organized by chef Gennarino Esposito. The dish was appreciated by the national food critic. Amongst the news of summer 2021, Silvestro mentions the delivery and takeaway.

Il Ristorantino 

A melting pot of cultures and love for the land. 

Il Ristorantino, a pearl of Costa d’Argento, is located in the town center in front of San Paolo della Croce Church. It is a spin-off of the Nobili Santi restaurant. The owners Paola Sclano and Bilel Mabrouk have refined their culinary expertise following Moreno Santi’s footsteps, one of the most beloved chefs in the area. In 2019, they decided to open Il Ristorantino, an eclectic and elegant gourmet restaurant. 

Paola Sclano is from Porto Ercole, Bibel Mabrouk is from Tunisy, but adoptive Italian. From this cultural culinary mix, a varied menu comes out, but it always stays true to the Maremman tradition: a menu made of tradition, revisitation and originality. 

The cuisine, simple but refined, is based on fresh seafood. But they also offer an excellent choice of meat dishes that satisfy any palate, from the starters to the main courses. The desserts are the restaurant’s flagship: the “cornucopia” filled with mascarpone and with crunchy waffle and berries or melted chocolate; the “croccantino”, a parfait with a crunchy hazelnut base and melted chocolate. The signature dish is “tagliolini with clams, shrimps and zucchini”, made with fresh egg pasta and a sauce with garlic, oil, parsley, clams, zucchini slices, and shrimps. 

Chef in Town- a food and beverage column curated by

Intl Editor Francesca Romana Riggio

Henry Lloyd-Huges, a British genius for a new Sherlock Holmes

Interview: Rosamaria Coniglio

Photographer  Joseph Sinclair

Stylist         Manny Lago

Grooming    Shamirah Sairally

British charm and savoir-faire, highly talented not only in front of the camera but also on the cricket pitch, where he has been spending most of his free time for over 10 years. He has played so many different roles that we do not know exactly which character suits him most. And probably, he has not decided yet, too. When talking about his talent, he prefers not to focus too much on himself. Is this elegant modesty that makes him so special? 

Our country has already appreciated his role of Alfred Lyttelton in the Netflix series “The English game”, set in the time when football was at its beginnings. Between power games and low blows, the first professional football players start succeeding, but not without controversy, arose more by class interests than moral issues. We suggest not missing out on the chance to see him in the shoes of a wealthy businessman who places his self-interests above an apparent strong friendship and a morality that is useful for the conservation of power and social status. However, the real news is his role of Sherlock Holmes in the new Netflix series “The Irregulars”, where you will discover an irreverent and brilliant version, described by Tom Bidwell, very different from what you have watched so far about the most famous detective in the world.

A dystopic version of London, where certainties and values are replaced by horrible crimes and supernatural events, hits a nerve of a society like ours, completely distorted by the pandemic, which has affected every field and has forced us to live a new reality. 

Troubled teenagers are protagonists and victims at the same time, they are manipulated to solve the crimes for Dr. Watson and his mysterious business partner. You have to wait for some episodes to find out what has happened to Sherlock Holmes in the last few years. And this is where the greatness of this character is hidden. He reveals what we have never known about him: his before and after. 

We discover the young, brilliant and ambitious Sherlock, led by the energic impulse of youth and high self-esteem that will be his fortune but also his greatest weakness. What about his maturity? What about the man, emptied by his ego and consumed by guilt, who saw his strengths falling apart? You will find out. And you will also discover all the aspects of a new Sherlock that Henry Lloyd-Hughes will convey through his extraordinary performance. 

An unexpected psychological perspective is revealed in small doses. Traces of personal elements linked to his character make an act immortal or a romantic gesture extreme through suspense. 

We asked him how difficult it is to show two different sides of such a complex personality: the methodical, witty, and self-confident side and the other one, destroyed by pain and deprived of any motivations. His answer left out his performance, he praised, instead, the great merits of the costume designer and the makeup artist. He is a real gentleman. “We really wanted to push both versions as far as possible and tell the story of someone absent for 15 years. Through the body and the look, with the Oscar-winner Lucy Sibbick and Edward K. Gibbon’s costumes, it has been an emotional experiment to see how far we could push ourselves, making sure that the character would seem the original one”. 

I think his charm lies in the depth with which he can connect with his characters. He confirmed that the aspect of Sherlock that most attracted him was “His vulnerability and his perforated and broken ego.”

The exchange between Henry and his characters is intimate and deep. His great introspective ability can give us a unique version of the detective; from what he tells us, every character goes into his universe in a special way. “It always depends on where the character meets you in your life. You meet a certain character at a certain age and you bring everything you have experienced with that role in your life. At the moment, I’m thinking with affection about my time spent with the character of Sherlock, and something very personal arises. But I’m sure that when I play another character, I will love him in the same way or even more.” 

Do you want to tell us about some funny moments during the shooting? 

“Yes! We burnt some of the original costumes to create the oldest Sherlock’s clothes. During the shooting, the burnt wool stunk so much that all the other actors started complaining. Moreover, every time I put my hands in the pocket, clouds of soot rose, and I left prints of dirty hands everywhere!”

In the “English Game,” you play the role of one of the best football players of that time. But we know that you have a great passion for cricket and a brand with a two-generation story inspired by this sport: N.E. Blake & Co.

“Sure. It is a great honor for me to continue the family tradition. “Paddy” Padwick was my great-grandfather and an extremely gifted athlete. He turned his passion into a business with “N.E. Blake & Co.” I relaunched it, trying to bring back a classic sporty look focused mainly on cricket. Sometimes it is hard to run a business as well as acting, but honestly, I’m so keen on the classic sporty style that I can’t help it.”

How important were sports in your life?

“Very much. I have been playing in a cricket club for 10 years, the Bloody Lads Cricket Club. Because of Corona Virus, unfortunately, the season was shortened last year. We look forward to getting black to play regularly.” 

 Considering that we don’t want to miss them, what are your future plans on the big screen?

We are all waiting to know the future of The Irregulars, so this might be my next adventure!”

Have you ever wanted to play a particular role? Someone who reflects your personality or someone so different from you that you feel attracted by him? 

“I would like to do a musical or something very eccentric like the movies of Wes Anderson. I have loved Grand Budapest Hotel so much that I feel perfectly fit in his surreal world, followed by James Bond, of course. 

Curated by Francesca Romana Riggio

5 charming hotels where we can’t wait to check-in

Our wishlists have got longer over these months, from Italian destinations to exotic paradises. The choice of the hotel will play a fundamental role in the organization of the perfect post-pandemic escape. 

These are the proposals of the 5 new Marriott International Hotels, where to spend at least one day. From retreats of charm in Italy and Europe to Oriental resorts from the Arabian Nights: destinations that will surprise you! 

Grand Universe Lucca, Autograph Collection

Located in the heart of Tuscany, on the foothills of the Alps and built inside a 16th-century palace, Grand Universe Lucca, Autograph Collection overlooks the two most iconic squares of the city: Piazza del Giglio and Piazza Napoleone. Thanks to its central position, the boutique hotel with 55 rooms, inaugurated last November, represents a perfect starting point to discover the splendid Tuscan city, also known as “the city of one hundred and one churches”. Within walking distance of the hotel, there are masterpieces of medieval and Renaissance architecture, including the Church of Santi Giovanni and Reparata and the historical Teatro del Giglio.

Music, one of the pillars of the hotel’s philosophy, is reflected in the name of every room, from the “Sala Piccolo” to the “Suite Puccini”, dedicated to the homonymous composer who was born in Lucca and was a regular visitor to the property. Tuscany’s land and cultural heritage are recalled in red, green and yellow silk and velvet fabrics that celebrate the renowned silk production in the city, and they are matched with modern wooden floors and golden details. 

The peculiarity of the building is the precious souvenir created purposely for every guest who, visiting the Symphony Lounge, can choose to listen to a personalized musical prelude composed by the pianist and inspired by his/her personality and taste.

W Ibiza

W Ibiza dominates the scene on the boho-chic seafront of Santa Eulalia, combining the multiple nuances of Isla Blanca’s two souls: the contemporary and the rural one. The hotel, inaugurated in July 2020, is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the brand’s mood: here you can breathe a holiday atmosphere made of relax, Mediterranean sounds and scents, chill music, and bright colors. The interior design reflects the hotel’s character: curated by the study of Baranowitz and Kroneberg from the Netherlands, the furniture in eclectic style reflects the contemporary travelers’ tastes, they recall the colors of the island and embody local materials. The 162 rooms and suites and all the environments have been designed so that the light is ever-present and an integral part of the building, from the sunrise to the sunset. The Chiringuito Blue is a restaurant on the beach where the Israeli chef Haim Cohen proposes his best Mediterranean dishes. A visit to the beautiful AWAY Spa is a must for a relaxing holiday. 

Thanks to the W insider, an expert on the island and surroundings, it will be fantastic to organize activities around Isla Blanca or trips to discover the city with its art galleries and boutiques. Moreover, thanks to whatever/whenever® program, which allows you to ask any questions at any time, travelers can see all their desires satisfied, from a piece of cake at night in their room to a sailboat ride. 

The St. Regis Cairo 

St. Regis Cairo, on the banks of the Nile, is the new landmark of the city thanks to its architecture. It was inaugurated in January 2021 and it is located at the northeastern end of the Corniche, in the heart of the lively Egyptian metropolis. The hotel offers easy access to the beautiful monuments of the city, which is rich in history. The suggestive architecture, designed by the famous architect Michael Graves, is characterized by geometric lines, whereas dark wood and elaborated textures combine with intricate embroidery, jeweled woodwork, bronze and wooden sculptures embellished with gold, mother-of-pearl inlays, and majestic crystal chandeliers that create a modern Egyptian aesthetic. It is a symbol of modern Egyptian glamour. The guests are surrounded by a refined design and can enjoy high-quality service, excellent culinary proposals, and a selection of bars and lounges. The building, with 39 floors, has 286 rooms, which are sumptuously furnished, three Royal Suites with a panoramic view on the Nile, and 80 luxury apartments for a unique experience in the Egyptian capital. 

Here, guests can pamper themselves surrounded by the opulence of the marvelous rooms inspired by the ancient Egyptian heritage. The polite and personalized service culminates with the signature St. Regis Butler service, to anticipate any customer’s need and satisfy their preferences thanks to exclusive attention for the entire stay. 

Al Wathba, a Luxury Collection Resort, Abu Dhabi

The building, which last August 2020 marked the debut of the Luxury Collection in the capital of the Emirates, is located in the heart of Abu Dhabi. Inspired by local architecture and the rich history of the country, the resort has 103 rooms and villas decorated with traditional Arabian patterns, the mashrabiya (ventilation elements, typical of Arabian architecture), and accessories in typical bedouin style. Sober interiors and neutral tones are in harmony with the landscape surrounding this extraordinary retreat in the desert. In this far-off paradise, you can also enjoy some culinary pleasures: from the Lebanese menu proposed by the restaurant Bait Al Hanine to the elegant rooftop bar Al Mesayan, guests will not be spoiled for choice. The hotel offers many activities such as trips to the desert, encounters with local tribes to discover the medicinal uses of local plants, and tours to discover the beautiful natural landscape, for example, the sabkhas – large expanses of salt – and ponds with flamingos. 

This intimate and elegant shelter allows guests to enjoy the beauty of nature in peace. The Spa is the distinctive sign of the experience in this hotel, where guests can find their interior balances and go on a journey to individual wellness. The gastronomic proposals are interesting with restaurants that offer a majestic view of the desert dunes. 

Matild Palace, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Budapest

 Built during the Belle Époque in 1902, the Matild Palace was erected under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Maria Clotilde of Sassonia-Coburgo and it boasts the premises to become the social hub of the capital.

The iconic palace, UNESCO World Heritage Site, is preparing to host a new hotel of the Luxury Collection, whose opening is expected in the second quarter of 2021. The design, curated by the English study MKV Design, combines the historical heritage and the liveliness of the modern city, which is constantly evolving. Located in the heart of the city and close to the Danube, the hotel is a spectacular starting point to discover the magic of Budapest or to simply taste the atmosphere staying inside the hotel, thanks to its restaurants and bars, such as the terrace with garden The Duchess, which hosts a liquor library, and the Matild Cafe and Cabaret, which brings you virtually to the beginning of 1900. Finally, the heart of the hotel: a luxury Spa inspired by the Hungarian thermal baths and decorated with marble elements and design furniture. 

The building combines a modern and sophisticated design and sumptuous elements of the Belle Époque. It is easy to travel with your imagination to that period thanks to the history of the building, conceived by Her Highness to welcome in the city those who enter from the Elisabeth Bridge. 

Travel with Manintown curated by Francesca Riggio

Lockdown Voices – a project to give voice to people

The pandemic has changed our life completely. We had to get used to staying at home all day, going out as little as possible, only for emergencies. Children and students have to follow lessons from their bedrooms. People, who used to take the train every day to go to work, now have to work from home in their living room: this is a new reality that we couldn’t even imagine. 

The lockdown has affected everyone’s life and has led to serious consequences, not only in economic terms but also in people’s health and psychology. 

During the UK’s first lockdown, University of East Anglia researchers launched a project to track the nation’s health through the lockdown. Their goal was to understand how it would impact people’s physical and mental health. 

They asked the participants to keep daily records on their lifestyle behavior such as diet, sleep, smoking, physical activity, drinking. The results revealed that people were eating less fruit and veg, getting less physical exercise, and drinking more alcohol.  

Then, many participants were interviewed about their lockdown experiences, giving life to Lockdown Voices, an oral histories project that tells people’s stories through recordings from their interviews. Listening to those recordings, everyone can identify and feel the same emotions because we all have experienced the same situation, for better or worse: Julie “lost all sense of purpose”; retired Geoff took up new hobbies; for Lauren, a university student, life “slowed down”; mum Gemma had to “fight a battle” each day working from home and taking care of her children. 

Here you can hear their full stories:  https://stories.uea.ac.uk/lockdown-voices/.

However, these are not just their stories. These are everyone’s stories. Every person has felt this way at least once during this difficult time since the pandemic and the lockdown have inevitably influenced people’s mental and physical state.

Brasserie in Paris: 3 famous and historical Parisian bistros

Paris is a charming city that deserves to be visited at least once in life. Everyone is entranced by the romantic and retro atmosphere of this city and by its beautiful districts such as Montmartre. If you go on a trip to the French capital, you cannot miss out to sit in a traditional Parisian brasserie. 

Here are three historical and famous Brasserie where to taste local dishes and experience the Parisian atmosphere:

Au Pied de Cochon  

Near the old Parisian market Les Halles, we can find Au Pied de Cochon, which holds the record of having never closed since the Liberation Day after the war. This brasserie was originally opened for those who worked at the market, that’s why it is still open 24 hours a day. It is the ideal place to eat a good meal late at night. Even at night, you will find tourists and celebrities keeping its atmosphere warm and cozy at any time. 

Brasserie Flo

This place is in a hidden courtyard that in the past hosted the stables of the adjoining palace. It is the perfect place for a romantic dinner. Known as the actress Sarah Bernhardt’s favorite restaurant, Brasserie Flo was initially called Chez Hans. It kept that name until, shortly before the First World War, it was plundered by the crowd of Parisians who were protesting against the Germans. Then, Monsieur Floderer furnished the place in Liberty style and gave it the splendor and finery of a real Parisian tavern. The menù is never the same, it changes every day and offers one of the 500 dishes that Flo proposes every year in rotation. The most popular dishes are the tartare steak, oysters in champagne sauce, and salty pork with lentils. 


It seems this is the oldest brasserie in Paris. True or not, the atmosphere of this place evokes the Belle Époque, with its wonderful glass vault. While tasting excellent seafood, you will enjoy interludes with waiters bumping into each other and making the dishes fall, or with femme fatale who seem to be right out of the Opéra Bastille. These funny scenes will make you feel like you were in a Disney cartoon set in the Ville Lumiere. 

Travel with Manintown curated by Francesca Riggio

Chef in Town: International food – traveling through flavors

We live in a globalized world where goods and people move freely on the whole Earth’s surface and make countries’ economies and cultures travel.

In a country like Italy that cares about food and is naturally exposed to cultural influences from different parts of the world, it is natural that the most compelling aspect about other cultures is their food and cuisine. We have to admit that some traditional dishes of various countries have stood out globally owing to factors such as the great representation of their nations and the high quality that they embody. 

It is no coincidence that Italians – especially young people interested in broadening their cultural horizons – have gradually turned to cuisines from the rest of the world. Trying their hand at cooking some specialties has become a fashion, particularly for dinners with friends. Moreover, the distribution network has boosted this wave of culinary adventures: given this growing interest in foreign countries, supermarkets have been equipped with specific products to cook international food. 

But which are the cultures that we love most? Let’s see two of them. 


It was pretty obvious that Japan would be the first to be mentioned. Nowadays, Japanese cuisine is the most widespread in the world. The extraordinary variety of dishes, the incredible quality of products – mainly fishery products owing to the waters surrounding the country, rich in marvelous species of shellfish, and innumerable species of fish- have made Japanese cuisine the most appreciated worldwide (even more than the Italian one). Over time, restaurants that offer the best food of this tradition have been opened, where sushi reigns supreme. 

As a matter of fact, in Europe and the USA, people don’t often distinguish sushi from sashimi. The first one consists of rice balls with raw fish, avocado, and other variable ingredients. On the contrary, sashimi is the typical raw fish slice to eat without other condiments (except the soy sauce and, for the bravest, wasabi, a typical Japanese plant whose chopped root tastes extremely spicy). 

Besides the well-known sushi and sashimi, Japanese cuisine offers a series of soups such as Ramen, and many meat cuts, also appreciated by our supermarkets. 


The Indian tradition took more time than the Japanese one to establish itself in our market, probably because of widespread skepticism about the quality and hygiene of those parts of the world. However, a series of restaurants have led the way to this cuisine for a few years, making us realize that it is actually very good. 

What reigns in Indian culinary culture are spices, which give a unique touch to every dish. The most popular is curry, used in many ways but made famous by the typical curry chicken with Basmati rice. These exotic flavors and scents inevitably make your mind travel to those typical Indian landscapes and magical atmosphere emphasized by the beauty and peculiarity of the Mughal architecture, thus making Indian cuisine fascinating and increasingly widespread. 

Chef in Town- a food and beverage column curated by

Intl Editor Francesca Romana Riggio